Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA Offers Dental Implants in our Baytown, TX Dental Office

When it comes to tooth replacement, many patients desire the best option. While there are multiple options for every type of patient, Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA of Baytown, TX provides our patients with dental implants as a permanent option for tooth replacement.

Tooth replacement is very important. While it is obvious that teeth are needed for biting, chewing, and smiling, what many people do not realize is that they help shape our jaw and face. When teeth go missing for a long time, the jawbone in that area begins to disintegrate. The jaw changes shape and can cause facial muscles to sag. This changes your facial appearance, often making patients appear older than they are. This is why it is important to replace teeth as soon as you can.

In addition, it is nice to have a replacement that will not need to be replaced again in the future. Dental implants are a permanent option that has the ability to last a lifetime. The titanium implant post is inserted into the bone socket, where the tooth’s normal root would be. Since this is a surgical procedure, there will be some healing time required before the permanent replacement crown can be attached. After several months, an abutment will be attached to the post and impressions will be taken of the area. A dental laboratory will create a custom crown which will be permanently cemented into place. While the lab is making your custom crown, a temporary one will be worn for use of the tooth and protection of the area. After the custom crown is attached, the process is complete and you have a permanently replaced tooth. Your smile will be whole once again.

If you are looking for a permanent option for tooth replacement, a dental implant is the way to go. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA in our Baytown, PA office, please call us at (281) 421-5950 or visit our website,

Dental Bonding and White Fillings with Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA

When a tooth is cracked or damaged due to injury or decay, it becomes weak. Not to mention, it can put a damper on a smile. In the past, silver amalgam fillings were the option for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. These days, Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA offers white bonding and fillings to her patients in our Baytown, TX office so that their smile is not only strong again, but looks great!

Dental bonding and fillings are now created using a composite resin colored to match your teeth. Dental bonding is great for teeth that are chipped, cracked, misshapen, gapped, and more. It can even be used to whiten teeth. The teeth are prepared with light etching for a strong bond and then the resin is shaped over the imperfection in the tooth. A light is used to harden the resin and afterwards it is polished to shine like a normal tooth. For whitening, the resin is smoothed over the whole smile. With good care, bonding can last for about ten years. That means long-lasting white teeth.

For fillings, unsightly silver amalgam fillings are no longer needed. We use our composite resin in the same way as we use it for bonding. However, for cavities, first we remove any decayed tooth tissue. We then etch the area to aid a strong bond and apply the resin. After it is hardened, it is also polished to shine like a normal tooth. White fillings are strong and are a welcome aesthetic improvement over the silver-colored fillings of the past.

If you are unhappy with an imperfection in your smile or are experiencing pain to a tooth, schedule an appointment with us to see if dental bonding or white fillings are right for you. To schedule with Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA of Baytown, TX, call our office at (281) 421-5950 or visit our website,

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA Offers Custom Teeth Whitening Trays

A white, bright smile can light up any room and unleash the confidence inside you. If you are unhappy with the shade of your teeth, a professional whitening procedure can turn that around for you. Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA, of Baytown, TX utilizes custom take-home whitening trays to patients who desire noticeable teeth whitening.

Custom take-home whitening trays are a fantastic professional way to whiten teeth for a couple of reasons. Number one, they are customized. Therefore, unlike one-size-fits-all store-bought whitening kits, the trays fit your own teeth perfectly. We create these trays by taking an impression of your teeth. Secondly, the fact that our system is take-home means that our patients can whiten their teeth from the comfort of their own home. They do not have to spend hours in the dental chair waiting for the process to finish. This is especially great for patients with dental anxiety. You take the trays home, apply the whitening gel we give you, and then wear the trays for a short period of time over a few days.

Professional whitening systems work by whitening the enamel of the tooth.  When surface stains penetrate the enamel and discolors it, the whole tooth appears to darken in color. Professional whitening systems reach into the enamel and lift stains out so the surface of the tooth has the ability to lighten.

Confidence in your smile can turn a day around. If you are unhappy with your smile because of discoloration or staining, our customized take-home whitening trays may be just the boost you need. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti, DDS, PA of Baytown, TX, call our office at (281) 421-5950 or visit our website,