Friday, February 28, 2014

Soft Tissue Laser

The FDA-approved soft tissue laser is one of many pieces of advanced dental technology we utilize here in our Baytown, TX dental practice. It is a device that utilizes state-of-the-art laser technology to treat a variety of soft tissue problems in the mouth, including gum tissue disease.
The soft tissue laser benefits our dentist Dr. Ivi Sanguinetti it provides more control and effectiveness, while our patients benefit from the tool due to having more comfortable and less painful treatments.
Soft tissue lasers can treat more than one problem at one time, often removing infected soft tissues at the same time as sealing the nerve endings and blood vessels. This prevents or reduces bleeding, swelling, and pain after the procedure. Soft tissue lasers can treat a wide range of problems, including gum disease, gummy smiles, gingivitis, and benign growth in the mouth.
Besides less bleeding and swelling, some benefits of the soft tissue laser used here by our Baytown, TX dentist Dr. Ivi Sanguinetti, include less healing time, more precision with treatments  and cosmetic-related procedures. It is even beneficial for cold sores treatment. Visit our dental practice in Baytown, TX to learn more about this amazing soft tissue laser technology. Call us at (281) 421-5950

Friday, February 21, 2014

Digital X-Rays

Diagnosis of dental issues, whether it’s an infection, treatment planning for extractions or implants, or simply to look for hidden cavities, requires the use of X-rays. Instead of using traditional bitewing x-rays, we use more advanced technology with digital x-rays at our Baytown, TX dental practice. Digital X-rays are fast, effective, and the results are very precise.
There are many benefits to our patients when getting digital x-rays, including the following:
1. They use up to 80 percent less radiation, making it a safer option.
2. Digital images can be adjusted, rotated, and color coded for proper diagnosing.
3. The process is more comfortable by using a small sensor instead of large, uncomfortably fitting bitewings.
4. They are available instantly instead of needing to go through a processing step.
5. Our dentist Dr. Ivi Sanguinetti can use them as an education tool by showing the patient x-ray images on a computer screen.
Digital X-rays provide multiple advantages for the patients and the dentist. We have replaced traditional X-rays with these new, more advanced X-rays and have found it to be a more improved process from beginning to end. If you are in need of x-rays, call Dr. Ivi Sanguinetti at 281-421-5950 for digital X-rays.

Friday, February 7, 2014


The temporomandibular joint is a joint connecting the jaw to the temporal bone in the skull. Abbreviated as or TMJ, it is the joint that helps people chew, talk, and open or close their mouth. There is a disorder of the TMJ called TMD that can cause a variety of side effects, making things like eating and opening the mouth extremely painful.
Some of the more common symptoms of TMJ disorders include the jaw getting stuck while opened or closed, grinding at night, headaches or pain in the ears, pain when opening and closing the mouth, difficulty chewing, and hearing popping or clicking sounds when opening the mouth.
Our dental practice provides a variety of treatment options for TMJ disorder, to help alleviate pain and reduce popping and locking of the jaw. Our dentist Dr. Ivi Sanguinetti may begin by recommending a night guard to be custom made, which protects the patient from teeth grinding at night. This can help relieve tension on the jaw, and reduce morning headaches, teeth pain, and ear pain. There are also some surgery options for TMJ, though these are the last resort.
If you have any of the above symptoms of TMJ, call us at 281-421-5950 for a consultation in our Baytown, TX dental practice.