Tuesday, April 8, 2014


For missing teeth, our patients have an option, and often choose dental bridges. It is a long lasting restoration option that lets patients replace one or multiple missing teeth to prevent shifting of the other teeth and potential bone loss that can occur if those teeth are not replaced. The main requirement of bridges is that there is an adjacent natural tooth on either side of the missing tooth, as this is the tether to the bridge.
A dental bridge here at Ivi Z. Sanguinetti DDS,PA is made with a crown on the adjacent teeth, and a prosthetic tooth where the tooth is missing. All three components are attached together, forming a bridge that looks like the patient’s natural teeth. The crowns over their natural teeth are made using impressions of their tooth, so nobody notices the different. The bridge is made from porcelain, metal, gold, or alloy.
In many cases, a temporary bridge is worn until the patient can have the permanent bridge bonded to their mouth. This improves their ability to eat and speak, but it also helps to prevent the shifting of their other teeth.
Our dentist, Dr. Ivi Sanguinetti recommends patients get bridges with multiple teeth missing as opposed to risking complications. Visit us in Baytown, TX to learn more about bridges.Call us at 281-421-5950 to make an appointment

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