Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Night Guards

Think you might be a night grinder but aren’t sure? If you wake up with a dull, constant headache or a sore jaw then you might be suffering from bruxism (night grinding). If you suspect that you might be grinding your teeth and you live in the Baytown, TX area, you can visit our practice and our dentist, Dr. Ivi Z. Sanguinetti for treatment options.
Patients can grind their teeth because of stress and anxiety, but it more likely due to an abnormal bite or missing/crooked teeth. Patients often find out that they are a grinder from a loved one or through a consultation with their dentist. Dr. Sanguinetti is trained in the detection of bruxism and can diagnose it through a simple examination.
Teeth grinding can become a serious issue. Chronic teeth grinding can lead to fractured, loosening or loss of teeth. Taking the time to visit us is a great preventative measure when it comes to stopping night grinding. Chronic teeth grinders can wear their teeth down so bad that bridges, crowns or even dentures may be necessary. While these procedures are effective, they are also very expensive and can be very invasive.
We have has a great reputation when it comes to creating custom night guards for prevention of night grinding. Dr. Sanguinetti is able to custom-fit a mouth guard to your individual needs in order to prevent any discomfort during sleep. We will take an impression of your teeth and create a perfect-fitting mouth guard. Custom-fitted mouth guards are utilized because they provide the most comfort and best overall protection.
If you are suffering from bruxism and would like to try a custom-night guard, call Dr . Ivi Sanguinetti' s office at 281-421-5950 or visit

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